Thursday, December 18, 2008


Wow, 2 months behind.

ALRIGHT! So this is the Christmas comic, it deserves some explaining. Back in the day when we were coming up with ideas for the name of this comic, the winning idea came from a random insult that we hurled at someone's odd shaped bag, and he indeed did hear us claim that he was carrying pieces of little children. POLC would have been the name of this comic if the very URL did not turn us up in the Times. Christmas shopping is always a chore and that is what the internet is for. I suggest these cute sites for unique things for ladies and these sites if you are lost like me. And no I have not finished my shopping yet heh.

Yahtzee has decided to show his face on the internet on a webseries called gamedamage. The pilot is a bit tedious but if they are able to cut down their rambling to the small segments that we love zero punctuation to be for all 3 guys involved, I'm sure it would be a bit more tolerable. A couple weeks ago I was also able to sneak into a taping of Demetri Martin's Important Things which is a lovely 30 min show with Demetri talking about the things in life that you should take heed of. Its definitely something that you should check out. That and I love him and his 100s of talents; no seriously, I think I have a problem. He's also in the newer episodes of Flight of the Conchords as a rival band. I know that season 2 has come out and I haven't even finished season 1, but the episodes I have seen are amazingly hilarious. And lastly, there will be no reviving touch for Pushing Daisies amongst other shows. Such quirk and love seems to be lost on the current audience and it is indeed such a waste. Although I'm sure that some cable network would be more than happy to pick up Pushing Daisies and the following it has gathered, it being more of a guilty pleasure for the romantically inclined.

That's all I've found on the internet my friends. Cafepress is being ridiculous so I may just format my own shop page and finally get some stuff out. No word on Katsucon artist alley dealies but there is Castlecon (one day con in NJ) which I'm very sure I will be at mainly selling shirts and a print or two.


p.s. and the latest song addiction is

That's what you get

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