Friday, February 27, 2009

cop out?

Welcome to monthly cop out comic.

In an effort to keep some sort of update schedule (I was aiming for every 2 weeks), you will get something simple at least once a month. And the other should be something epic (as in funny or pretty). Also two ghosts is a way I found to take conversations I've overheard out of context. This isn't the last you've seen of 'two ghosts'. Why ghosts? well raceless and ageless makes my life awesomely easy.

New comic up in two weeks, it will be colored and pretty I promise.
Layout is almost done so that this can be crisper.

I've...really got nothing much to say this week. It's been REALLY hard to wake up this week for some reason. Oh, Anamanaguchi's new album is out on March 3rd. So that's pretty awesome. For sheer nostalgia's sake and boredom at work I have found, you guessed it, the oregon trail original version and its FUCKING HARD. I died of starvation before crossing the third river, but its still fun as ever. First exposure to guns in games for me, oh sweet irony; because it was the game we played in computer class in school. Its all school's fault you see; showing us how to shoot animals. We would eventually make the connection to people sooner or later and I would have attributed going postal to the school that taught me how to lead with a rifle. I will stop now...I'm sure the thought police aren't far behind. So DOSmuseum has effectively preserved my childhood and I've been happily frolicking through its archives, you should too. I saw Push and Coraline in the same day. Very much worth watching; although 3D glasses give me a head ache. Jonas Bros movie would probably make me puke, but that doesn't even need to be in 3D for that to happen.

Anyway I will leave you again with the songs stuck in my head

and the most traumatizing game on DOS that I recently faced to grow from my fear


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

that game people already played

We have technically reached 30 comics, which means we are eligible to join Project Wonderful, but since I'm the OCD person about only certain things, I will work on the layout and background instead. "I" meaning, I will make a pretty background and send it to Frank and then harass him to death about posting it because I'm an obnoxious jerk. So one day I intended to do a portal comic because I love the game and the song constantly played in my head. This has been sitting in my computer for months and even longer in my work notes because I'm lame. The last panel design has been in my notes long before the words for the comic even took place. I would really like to make it a desktop or a print but I SUCK at backgrounds. If I do make it such things I will edit the background to death. But I tried to make the layout more adventure comic-y and I think I did that alright. I do have to remember to make the files I send smaller because I have to work on such a large scale doesn't mean it has to look that way.

So last weekend I went to comic con and met a lot of people. Penny Arcade guys were at their table and they are their characters personalities which is wonderful. I got a signed poster from the new chapter of their game which was exciting. Dave came representing Snafu and was all alone for a while. Cyanide and Happiness table depressed the hell out of me because they are made of two guys who are both younger than me and were busy as hell making custom valentine cards. And of course, got a badge with a charmander drawn on it from Vgcats man Scott. I was able to find a dvd version of the complete series of Daria which made my day. Yay life. I found out that on my birthday there will be a Webcomics Weekend which I'm DYING to go to but cannot due to an acroyoga performance that I signed up to do. Lol oh shame. I'd probably go and make an ass of myself drooling all over everything. With any luck it will happen again next year and I will have learned how to draw a decent background.

Anyway I will leave you with random crap from the internet

Ratatat's Falcon Jab which is just ironic

And the newest digital short from SNL


Monday, February 9, 2009

so I've had no actual work to dd

Hey, wanna see some stupid things I did this week?

Both as gifts to the webcomic greats and practice for myself I've been emailing out random comics that have been inspired by reading other people's sites. It's been fun to get feedback. But anyway.

this is for Joe at joe loves crappy movies

And this is for John Campbell at
pictures for sad children

Working on one for dresden codak, snafu, and vgcats (yay big people, but just because I met them at comic con, the last two that is)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

so that movie then

So I saw this movie on opening night with a friend who makes decisions for hilarity's sake. It. Was. Terrible. It was so bad that the whole audience, which mind you was made up of the 14 year old girls cuddling the book like it was their bible, was laughing at every line uttered by this awkward couple. Awkward because Robert Pattinson is a bubbly Brit trying to portray an angsty kid from Forks and because Kristen Stewart is incapable of moving her GODDAMN FACE. Not to mention the copious amounts of staring, aka eye sex. Yes a summation of this movie is staring and sparkles. No I didn't read the book, no I don't intend to, NO MEANS NO. So during this movie, of course my friends and I were laughing the loudest, so a woman turns around and actually tells us to "please be quiet some of us are trying to watch a movie here". A moment of silence passes and suddenly the ENTIRE audience erupted in laughter at her. I fell in love with the cracked review of this movie, completely made my day. Twilight was like watching Sarah Palin debate; produced, written, and directed by women yet COMPLETELY not helping any good representation of women today and lacking any role model for the younger girls to legitimately aspire to (they will all die terribly in a BDSM accident involving, you guessed it, bloodletting). So what did I do the next day? Tell everyone how terrible it was and they had the lovely idea of using free tickets to get in and see it again, this time with 40s. THAT is how you watch a movie.

New York Comic Con! I will be there, but not selling things, just as a crazy fan because so many people will be there. I hope to have presents and comics as homage to them all (and penny arcade will just scoff at me), and then I will run away into the darkness. I'll be there Saturday running around with ...I think he's dressing as the Spirit but whatever... Currently not planning on dressing up, it being FREEZING here in NYC. I'll probably post pictures from my iphone, so they won't be the best quality but they will be there!

CPAC is my main objective right now. I'm hoping to do an updated version of the Snow White Ring, a portal comic, and something anime related as prints (it being an anime con) . I think its possible to do before the end of march.


PS. tiny ninja theatre was amazing
PSS. LENS FLARE...yes take that strongbad


They be gangsta yo

And this addicting song that I heard at a cafe

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

hourly comics 2/1/09

February 1st
taking part in the hourlies event I learned about at pictures for sad children

it is very hard to write legibly on a tablet...

9 am
me: no

10 am
me: Crap I have to be classy in an hour!

11 am - lincoln center
grand aunt: the french horns are my favorite

12 pm - lunch
grand aunt: so he's a doctor now, how about you?
me: ...just graduated college

1 pm - MACY's
grand aunt: oddly empty, Vday soon, need to get anyone anything?
me: no one, not in this economy

2 pm - IT Support
me: I'm here!
frank: you know you don't work here anymore right?

3 pm - IT support, student office
me: and that was the summer of card games and porn ideas!
frank: leave the new hires alone!

4 pm - Kmart
*playing mancala on my iphone*

5 pm - new cafe
me: this place looks like a brothel
abby: where do I take him for dinner!

6 pm - Arepas for dinner
me: take him here

7 pm - 8 pm the streets
*avoiding the superbowl horde*
horde: wooooo!

9 pm - home

10 pm - forever